Koalas Room

Our Koalas room is designed to help children feel a sense of belonging and promotes a strong sense of identity. Educators sensitively support children’s needs and respond to their cues with care and respect.

We provide opportunities for children to explore their senses. We believe that sensory play allows children to gain confidence and involvement in learning using all their five senses.

Through the early stages a baby’s brains and bodies are developing at an amazing pace.

Each and every baby’s development within the centre is positively influenced during this time by strong relationships, the physical environment provided and the engaging experiences throughout the room on a daily basis

It is important that your baby forms positive relationships, with their educators within the centre, our educators work hard to develop a bond with your child to ensure they are safe and supported within the enviroment. This will ensure they feel secure, enabling them explore and grow.

Building that relationship with you and your family is such an important part of this. We  ensure to take the time to talk with you about your child’s individual routines and needs to ensure we are making this transition as easy and as smooth as possible. On a daily basis we will ensure to communicate with you openly about your child/children's needs as they child grow and develop.

We provide a separte cot room that is a calming environment to help support children’s individual sleep routines and ensuring they are provided the opportunity to continue regular sleeping patterns as they would within their home environment..

Our Koalas room provides babies a variety of equipment to support their growth and development. Our educators will provide your baby with the experiences they need to continue to develop their physical and sensory skills and their cognitive development.

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