Platypus and Possums Rooms


Toddlers are naturally active explorers. A toddler’s main way of learning is through active play and exploration. Throughout the day we offer numerous opportunities for active and engaged play. A variety of experiences allows your toddler to develop an understanding of concepts, problem solving and develop imagination and creativity.

Toddlers have a growing sense of independence and they are learning to be self-determining. Our educators will support your child to develop their self-help skills. These can include serving their own food, putting on or taking off clothes, and making choices.

Toddlers are learning about their emotions, as well as other people’s emotions. They are becoming more social playing alongside their peers. At 123KIDS  our educators understand and take time to work with children to encourage their understanding and control of their developing emotions. We support children to cultivate their social skills, such as turn-taking.

Here at 123KIDS our educators provide a language-rich environment to support the rapid language acquisition of a toddler. Singing songs, telling stories and engaging in conversations are significant parts of the day.

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