Kangaroos & Emus Rooms

Our Kindergarten

123KIDS offers an accredited kindergarten program planned and developed by a Bachelor trained Educator.

At this age, children are engaging in co-operative play with their peers. They are negotiating roles and socially acceptable behaviours. Our educators within the kinder program focus on supporting children to develop the social and emotional skills required to part of a group, and to be independent being able to set and achieve task set to them.

Educators support children to develop emotional skills such as reliance and assertiveness, giving children opportunities to practice these within a safe space with reassuring guidance.

Educators assist children as they start to show interest in learning areas by providing challenging and fun ways to explore reading, writing, math and science. A literacy, math and science-rich environment provide opportunities for incidental learning alongside intentional teaching experiences.

Educators encourage curiosity by making learning experiences a positive interaction and foster a lifelong love of learning. Open-ended questions and experiences inspire children to explore ‘how’ and ‘why’ and to use their imagination and experience to discover the world around them.

Physical development and coordination are incorporated into the daily experiences throughout the day as well as being involved in our weekly sports program. Not only do we focus on gross motor skills but also fine motor skills (pencil grip and control, controlling small parts and concentration).

123KIDS kinder program incorporates the ‘school readiness program' to help and support you and your child and their journey into primary school.

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